Text and photographs are © by Ellen Spector Platt & Ellen Zachos, all rights reserved.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Any day now...

I confess, as much as I seem to be endlessly patient and at one with the universe, I am chomping at the bit for spring.

Honestly, I love winter. Having grown up in NH, I crave banks of snow, ice storms, dark afternoons, and a wood stove to keep me warm. But along about Ground Hog Day I'm done. Which would be fine if I lived in the kinder, gentler part of Zone 6. In NYC winter lingers. Sometimes till March, sometimes till April. Frosts in May are not unheard of.

But like I said, I'm done. So I start looking. Prowling about for the smallest sign that underground something senses the days are getting longer and that on a sunny afternoon you can actually take off your jacket in Central Park.

Here's what's out today:
Galanthus nivalis (snowdrops)

Hamamelis mollis (Chinese witchhazel)

Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite)

Helleborus orientalis (lenten rose)

What's poking its head up in your garden? Go ahead...make me jealous.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ellen,
Would it make you feel better if I mentioned it has been raining in L.A.? Other than that, the salvias, lavenders, convulvulus, kangaroo paws and a host of other plants are showing off their colors right now!

Ellen Zachos said...

Oy, Shirley, you're killin' me! Make up the guest room, I'm coming over. I can picture the orange of the kangaroo paws and the purple of the lavender together (one of my favorite color combos). I'm glad you're getting rain because I know you need it! It's 25 degrees here in NYC this morning, but they're predicting a balmy 40 by midday.

WiseAcre said...

Nothing is poking it's head up in my garden. A good foot of snow still blankets it. Sounds like a short '400' mile drive downstate might cure my Cabin Fever.

Ellen Zachos said...

Ok WiseAcre, maybe I'll stop complaining. But probably not.

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