Text and photographs are © by Ellen Spector Platt & Ellen Zachos, all rights reserved.

Friday, September 4, 2009

It's not about the plants.

My father is not a gardener. (My mother is a very good one.) He's not the slightest bit interested in plants, gardens, or parks. But he loves everything about New York City, so I thought we might hazard a visit to The High Line.

Dad can't walk as fast or as far as he used to. But he has a deep and abiding love for NYC dating from his time at NYU Law School. When I told him that The High Line was the newest "must-see", he was game. I mapped out an abbreviated tour, taking advantage of the 16th Street elevators, and planning a mere 4 block walk.

As soon as we got up there, Dad wanted more. It had nothing to do with the plants...he loved the view of the city, the unique perspective on the skyline and street life that The High Line delivers. The open views of the Hudson River, the unobstructed panorama including cutting edge architecture and neighborhood details.

And for a committed people-watcher, The High Line is a gift. We stopped to talk to park rangers, watched a dance team practice a new routine, and admired gardeners weeding and watering. Dad had questions for them all.

So even if you're not a gardener or a nature person, get yourself down to The High Line. For anyone who loves the city, it's an important place, with a new perspective. It's not just about the plants.


Shady Gardener said...

What an interesting perspective of NYC you offer! Thank you. I visited several years ago and had a wonderful time (as a first-time tourist)! :-)

Elizabeth said...

How exciting for me to see Mum and Dad in the blog! Can we visit, too, if we do a girls' weekend next summer/fall? Or sooner, if we bring the boys--how could they not be excited by all this?

Ellen Zachos said...

Shady, you'll have to come back, now that we have The High Line...bring a picnic!

Elizabeth, absolutely! The sooner the better in my opinion.

Hilda Morrill said...

Hi Ellen,

Wonderful, wonderful!

You've given Ron and me a great idea for a special garden to visit with our daughter the next time we're in NYC.

Thank you!

Ellen Zachos said...

HIlda, come on down! And let me know when you're coming...maybe I'll go with you!

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