Viewed from across a frozen pond on an otherwise gray day, the
torii (gateway) in the Japanese Garden is startling to behold. (Brooklyn Botanic Garden)

Grass seed heads around the Central Park Reservoir provide refuge for birds and interest for runners.

Also in Central Park at the Conservatory Garden life goes on.

Kids in my building make snowmen on the roof garden using seedheads from blackeyed Susans for eyes and buttons, and grass stems for arms.

At the Park Zoo I spy heavenly bamboo (
Nandina domestica) which I vow to plant in my own garden this spring.

In January 2008, the Japanese apricot (
Prunus mume 'Peggy Clarke') blossoms bloomed near the BBG Conservatory; I didn't know whether to rejoice at this early sign of spring or cry about climate change.
Beautiful, and the vibrancy of the contrasting colors is intensive.
Love this shot.
I'm impressed that you are out in this cold! Thanks for reminding us of the beauty of winter.
Lovely - and how having Central Park at your doorstep appeals to me... I've got to create my own park ;) Good luck for the competition! Jack
What a variety of photos... and weather in the photos! I appreciate your blog that shows us such great natural beauty in the City. :-) Happy 2010!
I can tell you that shooting today on midtown roof just so I could look down on the hidden MOMA roof garden was no fun at all. Frozen fingers. But my reward is some pictures which I'll soon share of an unusual city "garden".
What a cheery spot of color for a gloomy gray day. Good luck with the contest!
Love the grass seed heads!
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