So I'm standing on line at Grace's Marketplace, waiting to pay for my halloumi when a familiar image catches my eye.

We made the cover!
Back in October, Marie Viljoen (of 66 Square Feet Gardening fame) wrote an article about my wine making for The Alcohol Issue of Edible Manhattan. I'm thrilled and grateful to Marie for her interest and skill. And to think, we met through the blogosphere.
I'm told the magazine will be on line soon, but since I am pathetically impatient, I'm posting it below. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this, and if it turns out I'm not, I'll take it down pronto. (Hopefully links to the article will be live by then!) To make the pages legible, double click, then move your cursor over the text and click again.

You can subscribe to Edible Manhattan here, or request a free issue. And it's available, free, at lots of high end grocery stores and food joints across Manhattan (Kitchen Arts & Letters, Eli's, Grace's Marketplace, to name a few).
P.S. (1/12/11) The mag is now online; to read the article, click here.

We made the cover!
Back in October, Marie Viljoen (of 66 Square Feet Gardening fame) wrote an article about my wine making for The Alcohol Issue of Edible Manhattan. I'm thrilled and grateful to Marie for her interest and skill. And to think, we met through the blogosphere.
I'm told the magazine will be on line soon, but since I am pathetically impatient, I'm posting it below. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this, and if it turns out I'm not, I'll take it down pronto. (Hopefully links to the article will be live by then!) To make the pages legible, double click, then move your cursor over the text and click again.

You can subscribe to Edible Manhattan here, or request a free issue. And it's available, free, at lots of high end grocery stores and food joints across Manhattan (Kitchen Arts & Letters, Eli's, Grace's Marketplace, to name a few).
P.S. (1/12/11) The mag is now online; to read the article, click here.
Oh Ellen, this is wonderful! I always get this magazine when I see it! Congrats! I'm so impressed you make your own wine!!
Right or wrong, I'm glad you put it up so I could read it hot.
What can't you make?
Applause, applause, Ellen! This is so very exciting. And I learned something about you I didn't know - you little 'ol winemaker you :) I would love to buy a bottle of your magical blossom wine. I know Marie - she was a judge one year for the Greenest Block in Brooklyn contest. I found her utterly charming and very type A too! Now I can reconnect with her. thank you.
And I so love Edible magazines - in fact, I am honored that the editor of Edible East End, Brian Halweil, agreed to write the Foreword for my book, Homegrown Long Island.
If any of you are free on Wed, 1/12 at 10 am, please come and support Brian on the book launch of his Nurturing the Planet. It is at the Greene Space on Charlton (wnyc building)
So our little garden and food networking is all good... Kudos again, Ellen. It is a delightful and amazing story -- just like you....
Thank you all! The hardest thing about making wine is having the patience to let it mature before tasting it. It tastes so much better as it ages, but it's so hard to wait! And Frank, I can't make cheese...yet.
Dear Ellen,
You are an amazing woman for sure!
That is a gorgeous photo (did you take it, I presume?), this is so exciting, and you should be really proud. The Edible magazines are wonderful--I read Edible Boston every chance I get. Yay you!
No, the gorgeous photos were taken by the author of the article, Marie Viljoen:
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