Text and photographs are © by Ellen Spector Platt & Ellen Zachos, all rights reserved.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mud Pies & Other Recipes

I've always loved books. Books were my favorite presents growing up, and as an adult I occasionally buy children's books for myself. It's like catching up with an old friend.

So imagine my delight when Sara surprised me with Mud Pies and Other Recipes, by Marjorie Winslow, illustrated by Erik Blegvad. Published in 1961, it is self-described as a cookbook for dolls, and it's true, the recipes aren't intended for human consumption. I was fascinated by this book as a child, convinced that if I followed the instructions precisely, I'd end up with something wonderful. Which I did. Although I couldn't eat it.

No matter. As I thumb through this reprint (thanks to the folks at The New York Review's Childrens Collection for bringing it back into print), I wonder, "Is this where it all began?"

The gardening, the foraging, the cooking? Maybe the spark was lit by the recipe for Marigold Madness, lo these many years.


Sara K. said...

Thanks so much for chatting about this book. I know for a fact that it's launched cooking careers—so why not gardening?

SCZJ said...

Recently I found a copy of this book for sale (in the library's 25 cent pile!) and couldn't resist buying it. I gave it to a friend who has very creative children - I hope it will inspire them. I loved it when I was young and still do now.

Madeline said...

I can't believe I never saw this book, and I would love to find one for my grandchildren who cook.

Zoe said...

How delightful! I have never seen this book before, but do know the pleasures of cooking up a viola-and-viburnum-leaf "chicken" dish for a small, hungry crowd of stuffed animals... I'll look for the book on my next trip to the children's library.

Anonymous said...

I loved this book and still have my copy! I'm 58 years old and read it every now and then. Thank you for reminding me.

Test Paper said...
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