Text and photographs are © by Ellen Spector Platt & Ellen Zachos, all rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Greens and lichen from the woods of New Hampshire, schlepped to New York City after a Thanksgiving visit to Jen & Mark Hopkins in Canterbury. Jen and I cut arbivitae, pine, spruce, fir and princess pine from her back forty. I wrap short cuttings onto a sturdy 12" frame with thin wire, aiming for a wild look.
Back in my Manhattan living room, I invert a low green bowl on my glass coffee table
 and lay the wreath over the bowl. Don't tell me how uneven it is. I like it that way.
After placement, I insert a few loose cones, lichen and pieces of thin birch bark among the greens.
Sure you can add a big fat candle to the center, keeping it well away from the greens, but next week I'll show you my favorite design. 


Ellen Zachos said...

It's lovely. Like a piece of the NH woods.

BFF Nana said...

And I can't wait to see next week's design!

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