On Feb. 18th, 2011 in NYC, it's too early for the 'onion snow', but snow it does, AGAIN. On my rooftop, remnants of last fall's decorations are partially buried.

Indoors, my zinnia seedlings started on 1/23 in their Burpee Greenhouse have sprouted 3 sets of leaves, just the stage to nip off the newest set to encourage branching.
Chive seedlings also look and smell encouraging.

By Feb. 23 the snow has mostly melted. In Central Park I spy hellebore buds.

And on my roof garden, these thrilling signs:

Self-sown seedlings of bachelor button 'Blue Boy' magically appear in my containers. (O.K., had some planted there last year). They'll be the first annual to bloom in my garden, distributed to many containers by the wind and by my deadheading and leaving the spent flowers in the pot.

Some euphorbia whose name is long gone from my memory are in full bud.

A new hellebore I was sent to try last fall is actually in full bloom, although a little ragged. It's 'Hellebore Gold Collection Cinnamon Snow' and a very welcome sight despite that ungainly name.
Ok, now I'm feeling stupid. What the H is "onion snow"?
I'm going to ask the same question... Onion Snow?? ;-) Otherwise, you've got some good Spring vibrations going over there!
Onion snow is the name for a late, light snow, usually in March after St.Patrick's Day, signaling time for planting onions. Never heard it until I moved to NE Pennsylvania, near Dutch country.
Oh, I love Zinnia. I'm growing a lot of that in my garden this year. Ours bloomed all spring and summer into fall. Fantastic!
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