Text and photographs are © by Ellen Spector Platt & Ellen Zachos, all rights reserved.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's just wrong!

I know, I know, we all love St. Paddy's Day. We get to wear green (best color EVER) and it signals the onset of spring (just ONE MORE WEEK)!

But things have gone too far. Until now I've suffered in silence through green beer and "Kiss me, I'm Irish!" I've muscled my way through rowdy crowds and parade barriers on Fifth Avenue, trying to get to work. It was especially tough the year I worked in Chicago...the whole dying of the river thing had me scratching my head. Still, I didn't complain.

But this?

Just say no, people! The humiliation of the Chrysanthemum must stop! What did it ever do to you?


Frank said...

OMG, it's so ridiculous it's genius!

Shady Gardener said...

Oh Brother.

Urban Gardens said...

Ick. With you on this sister!

Sara said...

Ai ai ai, it was bad enough with they put them in green food coloring, so they'd turn green. And not a particularly nice green. But this is going too far!

Georgia said...

was it wrong to laugh out loud?

Layanee said...

That is just a crime against nature! Happy St. Paddy's Day to you though.

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